BHRT Options via Online Membership Offerings: (And use the links I provide to get you good/best deals!)
Glow Natural Wellness: ​Absolutely my first choice, hands down, based on the quality and effectiveness of their product, their offerings, service and available options. I also get great discounts with them for YOU via the provided links.
So a BIG discount is available on their Monthly Hormone Club (MHC). When you register for and join the Master Class with Dr. Michelle Sands: click here , you will then receive the MHC special for $139 instead of $299!
And if you can't afford $139 a month, they are willing to work with you. So just ask them! This is an other great reason why I love them so much. The MHC offers unlimited access to nurses, additional support, the hormone creams that you need, and more.
On top of that Glow Natural Wellness offers a FREE Intro Call with their nurses before signing up for any membership, so you can ask them any question you have prior. I would do this after you've watched the Master Class: schedule here. ​
Thrive Lab is also a good option for BHRT, and insurance often covers their visit with the NP or Dr. (with Glow Wellness it's all included, and they even offer a free consult before committing): click here
I have compared over 5 online BHRT companies that provide online BHRT services to Women, and People with Vulvas and Vaginas, and Glow Natural Wellness comes out at the top because of excellent communication, appointments with nurses, quality of service, great auto shipments when you need new hormones, a chat box, and they are even willing to work on price with you for the Monthly Hormone Club. You can literally talk to an nurse or NP who's specialized in peri and menopause whenever you want! And then ThriveLab is 2nd for me. I know about My Alloy, and a few of my clients were not happy with their lack of communication and why they prescribe their hormones, they also seemed to try to upsell you for products you don't need, and some were simply prescribed anti-depressants (and went to Natural glow wellness instead), and their price is higher as well. Same goes for Winona. So yes - I've checked them all out for you :)
Menopause Expert for Cancer Survivors who want to try (B)HRT: Dr. Corinne Menn - she is an expert in BC and a Breast Cancer survivor herself: click here.
Natural Herbal "Hot Flush" Remedy - purchase via this link: click here , then go to Womens' Health --> Hormonal Health and look for the Hot Flush Tamer
Vaginal Estrogen Cream and DHEA Vaginal Cream: Also from Glow Natural Wellness: It is called "Glow Below". Use the link here. And that link will give you a nice deal! And know that the bottle will last you at least 3- 4 monthts
Goddess Progesterone Drops: click here
Guide to losing menopause fat: click here
Free Menopause Meal Plan from Glow Natural Wellness: click here
Healthy Omegas from Glow Natural Wellness: click here
Sleep in a Bottle: click here
Hormone Level Trio Test: click here
A great Menopause/Peri-Menopause symptom checker with suggestions from a solid UK website: click here
ISSVD - International Society for the Study of Vulvar Disease - Vulvodynia Education and Research: click here​
NVA - National Vulvodynia Association: click here
Pelvic Pain/Issues: - A very good and reputable Women run and founded organization run by expert PT's, specialized in any kinds of pelvic issues. For more info and their MA and NH locations click here
ISSWSH - International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health -
If you need a Pelvic Exam, or get a proper diagnoses, the organization International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health (ISSWSH), has a proper Provider Search list. I found 4 providers that are in MA. I could not find any in NH. Being on this list means they are vetted and keep your care in high regards. ​
For a providers search, click here.
The North American Menopause Society (NAMS): For finding providers in your area and other recourses: click here
For Menopausal Support: a lot of very good recourses. And of course me :)
Holistic Doctor with a lot of recourses: Dr. Christine Northrup: click here
Find a Somatic Therapist in your area: click here
Harbor Women's Health and Dr. Wendy McLaughlin. A great Dr. Obgyn and the whole clinic is womens' health oriented: Click here for their website.
Follow Dr. Kelly Casperson, MD on Instagram for a ton of info on Vaginal Estrogen Cream
Follow Dr. Jill Krapf MD on Insta: @jillkrapfmd with lots of info on vulvar health and lichen sclerosis
Follow Dr. Rachel Rubin on Instagram for more info on female vaginal d vulvar health @drrachelrubin
Follow Dr. Corinne Menn on Instagram: @drmennobgyn
Follow Dr. Mary Claire on Instagram: @drmaryclaire
Holistic Personal and Family Care: This is a husband and wife duo with a massive amount of knowledge from all kinds of holistic modalities, such as herbalism, acupuncture, ayuerveda, homeopathy and cranial sacral therapy.
Massages by Allison "My Soul and Body Massage" in Plaistow: Allison is just amazing, and has golden hands and an amazing touch. She's my go to girl for relaxing massages, plus she has a massage table that is the Cadillac of tables. She also uses Aromatherapy, cupping, and CBD trigger points ointment if you need it. Check her out at: website
Chiropractic Adjustments by Dr. Melissa Marr in Plaistow: Also my go to girl for adjustments. I am very picky, and will only recommend someone if I have experienced them myself or from a trustworthy source.
Natural and Safe Lubricants:
Vulvar Skin Care:
If you want to find a great woman owned Yoga Centre, with salt room, infra red sauna, yoga classes, and great gifts, I recommend The Iron Cactus in Kingston run by Erica:
If you would like to visit a huge Salt Cave and also enjoy massages and more yoga, there is an other lovely spot in town: The Copper Cave in Plaistow, woman owned by Deb. Visit their website here for more info.
And if you are looking for beautiful stones, earrings, tarot cards and readings, go to Her Wild Soul in Plaistow woman owned and run by Jenesse. Website here.
Sites to Explore your Desires, Sexuality, Juiciness, and Sensuality - I am a big FAN OF PLEASURE and you enjoying and owning your pleasure.
Books to read on Peri & Menopause:
"The Menopause Brain" by Dr. Lisa Mosconi, PhD and
"The New Menopause" by Dr. Claire Haven, MD,​
​30. Deeping your own Sexuality and your Relationship with and to Sex, and Deepening the relationship with your Womb and yourself: ​
Yoni Shakti - Uma Dinsmore Tuli
Womb Awakening - Bertrand
When Sex Hurts - Goldstein, Krapf
​Tao Arts for Women - Minke De Vos​
Slow Sex - Diane Richardson
Tantric Sex and Menopause - Diane Richardson
Perimenopause 'what the doctors didn't tell you' - John R. Lee
Tantra for Men - Diane and Michael Richardson
She Comes First - by Ian Rekner
Wild Feminine - by Tami Lynn Kent. My go to bible for womb journeys and inspiration.
Womens' Bodies Women's Wisdom - Christine Northrup
The Wisdom of Menopause - Christine Northrup
In the Flo - Alisa Vitti
Woman Code - Alisa Vitti
Quidoushka - Amara Charles, this book is from the Native Nagal Traditions, and is about learning what type of vulva and penisses there are and what they like! Very interesting and definately a ancient way of exploring your sexuality.