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Practice is closed till end of March due to family circumstances. 

Hello Dear  Beloved One,

My name is Esther, and I want to welcome you to my Women's Health Practice "Vibrant-Women", where I offer Peri & Menopausal Coaching Sessions, Life Coaching Sessions, Integral Pelvic Therapy, Womb and Ovary Healings, Reiki Healings , and a Yoni Self Massage Training. 


All my offerings are here to help you live a life filled with passion and purpose. I believe that by embracing who you are, and so find what inspires you, you can find genuine happiness and deep fulfillment. My aim is to guide you on this journey, helping you unlock your potential, connect with yourself, and get to know your true essence. Together, we'll work on trusting your wisdom and intuition, so you can really feel aligned and in tune, with yourself and others, and what goes on around you.


I was born and raised in The Netherlands, started my yoga practice at the age of 6, studied Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Tai Chi and Shiatsu for over 15 years, and I am a certified Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Teacher of 20+ years.


I have always been interested in working with people and especially with women. I believe we are immensely beautiful and powerful, and when we feel free, safe and strong enough to connect deeply within ourselves, we are a true force to be reckoned with, and also holding so so much creative potential at the same time to manifest our dreams and live our life's how WE want!


And this My Lovely, makes us positively Vibrant!

Few more details about me,

I moved to the US in 1999 and lived in NM for 9 years. Me and my husband have 2 children and in 2006 we moved to Santa Monica where we lived for an other 9 years and then moved back to the Netherlands for 4 years. It is there where I found my love for Pelvic Work and Womb Wisdom, and deepening my knowledge of Peri & Menopause. 


I have a Reiki level I & II degree, and have been a Healer for over 30 years, so I bring a deep expertise healing field to the table. A field where you can feel safe, supported and cared for. Being a Certified Peri & Menopausal Coach, I am here for your during this powerful transition in your life, one I am going through myself, so I get you! It's a Journey every woman will go through, the question is 'how can we make this new phase in our life the best one possible?' 


And being a Healer, Yoga Teacher, former Body worker, Trained Pelvic Practitioner, Meditator and Breathwork Specialist and an incredibly intuitive person, it is fair to say I have the tools, knowledge, Heart and Wisdom to support you in many aspect of your Journey called Life. 


So please feel Welcome in my Healing Space, and feel safe being held by my Compassionate Hands and Open Heart, .


Until we meet, with Love, 

Esther Shilo

Founder and CEO of: Pelvic Balancing

and Vibrant Woman. 


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